About the Doctor
Dr Omar has been a dentist since 1973 and has practised his profession in London, Pietermaritzburg, Newcastle and Johannesburg, where now pracitices from Mayfair. Dr Omar likes to keep abreast with new trends in various fields of dentistry by attending seminars and lectures, including group discussions and hands on training.

Dr Omar is dedicated family man with two sons, one a radiologist and the other a chartered accountant in Saudi Arabia and is also a proud grandfather of four. He enjoys travelling, exploring and loves getting out there to play a good game of tennis.

Services to Make You Smile
Dr Omar is trained to provide a multitude of dental treatments such as gum (periodontal) therapy, dentures (prosthetics), restorative (fillings, crowns, and bridges), root canal (endodontic) therapy and the extraction of teeth (exodontias). Performing examinations, diagnosis and X-rays (radiographs) are also some of the services he offers.

The Doctor’s Special Interests
Although Dr Omar practices all branches of dentistry he has a special interest in orthodontics. Orthodontic therapy involves the aligning of teeth in the best possible position, to allow the jaw and mouth to be balanced.